We thrive on revealing what truly makes you unique in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Reaching the right people takes a combination of strategic insight, a distinct look and feel and memorable content all presented within solid technology. Our goal is to create high‑quality leads that turn into opportunities, no matter if it is on the web, in social media, print or even an app. After all it’s about increasing your bottom line.


It’s the cornerstone of your business. We create an actionable blueprint, defining your company mission, vision, market opportunity and ultimate business goals. It’s the very foundation of your differentiation from the competition. A solid strategy allows us to develop and articulate key messaging statements used across all media. Aligned with your team we set priorities, allocate resources and create an implementation plan to deliver on your promise to your clients.

Design & Content

Design excellence and memorable content is at the heart of Hype’s long term success. We transform information gathered during the strategy and discovery phase of every project into engaging, on‑target communication that builds trust, easy to digest and creates engagement.


Our 20 year experience has taught us it takes teamwork, on both sides of the table, to successfully execute a project. Asking the right questions, defining roles upfront, clearly communicating and setting up attainable benchmarks are key elements to outstanding delivery.

Our B2B Experience